Legend of Bard
Group Leader
Lead Game Designer
Level Designer
Lead Coder
Made In Unity
Coded in C#
'Legend of Bard' is a 2.5 D platform based in the world of Norse mythology where you play as Bard the Viking, who is rather more portly than the other Vikings! After a night of celebrating you wake up to find your love has been captured by the giant Ymir and you must travel the lands defeating monsters to get your love back and save the world!
The game play design concept behind this game was to try and make a 2.5 platformer similar to the likes of 'Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze' and 'Guacamelee', where the player has the option to have three forms of movement (running, dashing, jumping) and add in the challenge of simple combat as well to add depth to some of the puzzles.
During this project I was group leader, lead game designer and lead coder, so my jobs were to make sure that everyone in the group was getting everything to me and the level designer in time for us to meet the milestones we set as a group. In addition, I was responsible for finishing all the game design documentation, monitoring the game design process and completing all the coding for the game. We designed the game to be in beta phase, with a fully-fleshed-out first level, to be able to present as a show case for the game as if we were presenting it to a company board.